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Glimpse of European History Thread #190

Posted by RB Kollannur on April 19, 2022

A king who sought to create an empire, but created four kingdoms instead.

Sancho Garcés was born around 994 to García Sánchez, King of Pamplona and Count of Aragon, and Jimena Fernández. Also known as Navarre, Pamplona was a kingdom around the Pyrenees separating the Frankish north and the Islamic Iberian peninsula. 1/10

Burial stone of Sancho III of Pamplona, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_III_of_Pamplona#/media/File:Lauda_Sepulcral_SanchoIII_El_Mayor_Navarra.jpg

García Sánchez died around 999, at a time of raids by the Umayyad Caliphate in retribution for refusal to pay tribute. It is likely Sancho Garcés succeeded as king, although his father's cousins, who ruled in Viguera (part of Pamplona) may have been co-kings or regents. 2/10

Iberian peninsula in 1000, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Navarre#/media/File:Map_Iberian_Peninsula_1000-es.svg

Surviving as a buffer state between mightier nations, King Sancho chose to strengthen his kingdom. In the east were the Catalan counties, part of West Francia. But the Frankish hold in the region had declined, after the end of the Carolingian rulers of West Francia in 987. 3/10

Counties of the Frankish March in Northern Spain, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/County_of_Roussillon#/media/File:Comtats_catalans_s._VIII-XII.svg

In the west was the Leónese County of Castile. King Sancho allied with Castile marrying the Count's daughter, Munia, in 1011. Later, the Count's death in 1017 allowed him to claim suzerainty over the Count's successor, his under age brother-in-law, García Sánchez. 4/10

Iberian peninsula in 1000, showing the parts of Kingdom of León, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliphate_of_C%C3%B3rdoba#/media/File:Califato_de_C%C3%B3rdoba_-_1000-en.svg

Next, Pamplona seized Sobrarbe in 1015. The County of Ribagorza was going through a succession dispute. King Sancho initially intervened as a mediator, but by 1019 he managed to annex Ribagorza as well. He also managed to gain suzerainty over Barcelona as well. 5/10

Northern Spain under King Sancho, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_III_of_Pamplona#/media/File:Reino_de_Pamplona_Sancho_III.svg

By 1025, he had also managed to gain suzerainty over the Frankish Duchy of Gascony as well. In 1029, García Sánchez, Count of Castile, was killed and Munia inherited Castile. King Sancho appointed his younger son, Fernando, as the new Count adding Castile to his domain. 6/10

Duchy of Gascony, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duchy_of_Gascony#/media/File:Dux_Wasconum_1150.png

In 1034, King Sancho occupied León, the capital of the Kingdom of León, and crowned himself Emperor. The western half of León was still under the control of its king, Vermudo, though. However, the new Emperor's reign was short since he died the next year. 7/10

Iberian peninsula in 1030, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_III_of_Pamplona#/media/File:Map_Iberian_Peninsula_1030-es.svg

The Pamplona "Empire" was divided amongst its Emperor's sons, with the eldest, Garcia, as overlord and ruling Pamplona. The second son, Gonzalo, got Sobrarbe and Ribagorza. The youngest, Fernando, was already Count of Castile, while the illegitimate, Ramiro, received Aragon. 8/10

Pamplona after its divisions in 1037, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Navarre#/media/File:Map_Iberian_Peninsula_1037-es.svg

In 1037, Fernando defeated and killed Vermudo, King of León, at the Battle of Tamarón and annexed his kingdom. The Kingdom of Castile grew to be the largest kingdoms within the Iberian peninsula. 9/10

Vermudo killed at Tamarón, taken from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batalla_de_Tamar%C3%B3n#/media/Archivo:Bermudo_III_of_Leon.jpg

By 1043, Ramiro had acquired Gonzalo's territory. While Pamplona continued to be limited to the Pyrenees, growing closer to France, Aragon expanded along the eastern coastline of the Iberian peninsula and joined with Castile in 16th century to form Spain. 10/10

Kingdom of Castile in 1400, Granada was annexed by Castile in 1492 and Iberian Navarre was annexed by Aragon in 1512, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_of_Castile#/media/File:Corona_de_Castilla_1400_en.svg

Originally tweeted by Ranjith Kollannur (@Arby_K) on April 19, 2022.

Sancho Garcés, King of Pamplona (999-1035), Count of Aragon (999-1035), Count of Sobrabe (1015-1035), Count of Ribagorza (1019-1035) – The beginning of Castile and Aragon as independent kingdoms after Sancho divided his kingdom amongst his sons. It was Castile and Aragon that eventually completed the conquest of the Iberian peninsula in 1512 to create Spain (Portugal was initially part of Castile, before breaking away and expanding southwards).

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